Our favorite day of the year!! Let’s celebrate our oceans and all they provide us, as well as recognize the profound importance of maintaining them for future generations. #worldoceansday


We compiled some simple actions YOU can do to make an impact and help our oceans thrive! Every little action makes a difference….


1) Making mindful decisions about the food you eat; maybe make a #plantbased meal to have today! *clears throat* like preparing our Mind Blown Plant Based Seafood!! How does a Tropical Mind Blown™ Coconut Shrimp Bowl sound?? 

2) Ask a local restaurant where they get their seafood from? 'SEA' what they say!

3) Use a reusable grocery bag to grocery shop.

4) Picked up trash on the beach or in the ocean.

5) Drink out of a reusable water bottle and use a reusable straw when you can.

6) Cut down on your carbon footprint; maybe you bike or walk around town today. Hello, exercise! 

7) Sign a petition to help our oceans, like THIS ONE!

8) Watch an educational documentary with your friends such as Seaspiracy Mission Blue or Chasing Coral.


We each can truly make a positive impact on oceans, climate, and our health!

Don't forget to follow along on our Instagram page for World Ocean Month Celebration ALL month long!



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